Saturday, January 2, 2010

About the Punilla Region...

Departmento de Cruz del Eje, is a provincial subdivision of or “county” within Córdoba Province in Argentina. It has a population of about 55,000, in an area of 6,653 km², and its capital city is Cruz del Eje, about 861 km distance from Capital Federal.

The whole picturesque Departmento (County of) de Cruz del Eje and neighboring Punilla region is filled with semi-arid pampas forests, lazy rivers, tranquil lakes, reservoirs, rolling plains, breezy fresh air, rocky hills and breath-taking mountain vistas. Other natural attractions of the area are its: archaeological sites, "Los Terrones" red sandstone formations weirdly eroded, near Capilla del Monte; the "Quebrada y Mirador de Cuchi Corral", a privileged spot for hangliding, close to La Cumbre; the "Quebrada de Vaquerías", natural reserve of highland forest in Valle Hermoso; the "Cascada de Los Chorrillos", of awesome beauty near Tanti.

The region is also home to pumas, foxes, cavias, maras, skunks, opossums, small deer, and numerous species of amphibians, lizards and birds- including condors. Abundant natural water sources in the form of canals, wells, rivers and reservoirs support extensive agriculture of the finest quality and a variety of cash crops, most notably cattle, olives, figs, walnuts, and honey. Nearby reservoirs and mountain rivers support a variety a native and introduced fish species, among them: brown trout, river trout, rainbow trout , pejerrey, carp, bass, dientudo, dorado, tararira, and more. Providing ample opportunities for fly fishing, boat fishing, and dam fishing.

Friday, January 1, 2010

About Córdoba-Argentina…

According to June 2009 estimates, Argentina has a population of approximately 40 million, with about 50% of its population living in the 5 largest metropolitan areas. The other 50% live throughout the beautiful, mountainous, coastal and inland rural areas spread throughout the country.

Córdoba Capital is the second largest city in the country in population and concentrates 40.9 % of the provincial population (3,216,993 inhabitants), representing 3.3 % of the Argentine population.

Argentina is one of the few places in the world where the dollar is still strong. The currency, the Arg. peso, is currently trading at approx 4 pesos per U.S. dollar (11/10). As a result, Argentina has become very popular with foreign expats and retirees who can live VERY comfortably on $500-$700 USD monthly. Health and dental care is modern and very economical- in some cases even free.

Travel into the province is by overnight bus or train ride directly from Buenos Aires or by direct flight into Córdoba Intl. Airport, which is 2-3 hrs away.,_Argentina